
Returning Families

Welcome back! You will need to complete two steps to fully enroll your child(ren):

  • Create an account

  • Enroll your child(ren) in the after-school program

To create an account:

  1. Go to the new Registration Portal and click “New Account” at the top

  2. Enter your information.

    *Please enter the email address you listed when you previously registered your child - this will enable the system to automatically populate your information to avoid having to resubmit the entire application.

  3. You will receive an email from TraxSolutions to confirm your account

    *If you registered using the same email address listed in prior registrations then you will be able to review your household information to confirm accuracy and fill out any missing information.

    *If you registered using a different email address then you will need to enter information for you and your child(ren).

  4. Follow the directions in the confirmation email to complete your account.

To register for after-school programs:

  1. In the top banner, click “Activities”.

  2. Select whether you are enrolling your child in elementary school, middle school, or high school programs.

  3. Select the child you are enrolling in the program and complete the brief enrollment form.

New Families


  1. Go to the new Registration Portal and click “New Account” at the top

  2. Enter your information.

  3. You will automatically be added to our new account queue. If openings are available, your profile will be approved and you will receive an email notifying you to complete your profile and enroll your child(ren).

Need Support?

We’re here to help!

There are a few different ways to get support.

  • Email our Family & Community Support Coordinator, Taylor Butler -

  • Call us - 314-257-9980

  • Returning families can ask a program provider for help during pick-up